
The word on just about every Internet user's lips these days is "broadband." We have so much more data to send and download today, including audio files, video files and photos, that it's clogging our wimpy modems. Many Internet users are switching to cable modems and digital subscriber lines (DSLs) to increase their bandwidth. There's also a new type of service being developed that will take broadband into the air. In this paper, we'll learn about the future of the Airborne Internet. We'll take a look at the networks in development, the aircraft and how consumers may use this technology.
Land-based lines are limited physically in how much data they can deliver because of the diameter of the cable or phone line. In an airborne Internet, there is no such physical limitation, enabling a broader capacity.
The airborne Internet will function much like satellite-based Internet access, but without the time delay. The airborne Internet will actually be used to compliment the satellite and ground-based networks, not replace them. These airborne networks will overcome the last-mile barriers facing conventional Internet access options.
This paper addresses some of the trends and issues involved in developing an Airborne Internet capable of achieving this goal. Understanding relationships between these trends and issues and the objectives and functional requirements of the program will allow various participants in this complex program to keep activities in proper perspective. The all-round development  and improvement are the key areas of research work performed in this paper.

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