Intelligent Decision Support System for retrieval of patient’s information


       The majority of  healthcare  workers in hospitals continue to record, access and update important patient information using paper charts. Disparatepatientdata (clinicalinformation, laboratory results and medical imagery) is entered by different caregivers and stored at different locationsaround the hospital. This is a cumbersome, timeconsuming process that can result in critical medical errorssuch as documents being mislaid or prescriptions beingmisinterpreted due to illegible handwriting.
             Hospitals everywhereare moving to integrate health data sources usingElectronic Health Record (EHR) systems as well as takingadvantage of the flexibility and speed of wireless computing to improve the quality and reduce the cost of healthcare. We are developing a mobile application that allows doctors to efficiently access accurate real-time patient information at the point-of-care.

The system can assist caregivers in automatically searching through very large repositories of previous patient cases as increasingly large hospital databases are making manual searches of such information unfeasible.The system performs computational prognosis by providing decision support for pre-screening of medical diagnosis.

         A presenting patient's symptoms can be input to a portabledevice and the application can quickly retrieve the most similar profiles with known diagnoses from large databases which can be used to compare treatments, diagnosis, test results and other information.

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