Aromatherapy Skin Care – Massage of Hands and Arms:
Smooth on the aromatherapy essential oils as before. When working on the arm it’s easier to effleurage with one hand only, using the other to hold the arm steady for easier application of the essential oils.
Bend the arm at the elbow. Massage around the wrist with little thumb circles using both hands.
Work down from the wrist to the ends of the fingers using little thumb circles, Repeat this aromatherapy massage five times.
Stretch each finger, then thumb, in turn between your finger and thumb.
Rotate the fingers and thumb first clockwise then anti-clockwise.
Turn the hand over and rub gently along the solar plexus (from centre wrist down the palm to the middle finger) using alternate thumbs. This massage by the essential oils is calming to the nervous system.
Rotate the hand at the wrist clockwise then anticlockwise. To do this lock your fingers into your partner’s.
Turn the hand over and work on the inside of the wrist up to the elbow using alternate sweeping movements. Repeat four or five times.
Bend the arm at the elbow and bring the lower arm up and across the chest. Squeeze massage all along the upper arm with the essential oils from elbow to shoulder using both hands.
Bring the arm back down to the side then effleurage the whole area from hand to shoulder four or five times. Cover the arm and repeat the aromatherapy massage on the other side of the arm.
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