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Mathematics and Computer Science III: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities /by Michael Drmota, Philippe Flajolet, Danièle Gardy, and Bernhard Gittenberger. This book contains invited and contributed papers on combinatorics, random graphs and networks, algorithms analysis and trees, branching processes, constituting the Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science that will be held in Vienna in September 2004. It addresses a large public in applied mathematics, discrete mathematics and computer science, including researchers, teachers, graduate students and engineers. They will find here current questions in Computer Science and the related modern and powerful mathematical methods. The range of applications is very wide and goes beyond Computer Science.

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What you'll learn
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 Hyderabadi Chicken65
Category : Chicken, Andhra
Servings : 2
Time Taken : 45-60 mins
Chicken - 1/2 (Boneless preferably)
Lime Juice - 2 tsp
Salt - tsp
Kesari colour - 1/4 (Optional - to give colour)
Chilli Powder - 3 tsp.
Turmeric Powder - 3 tsp.
Egg (Beaten) -1
Cornflour - 2 tbsp.
Maida - 2 tsp.
Soya Sauce - 1 tsp.
Chilli Sauce - 1 tsp.
Pepper Powder - 1/2 tsp.
Garlic and Ginger Paste
Garlic - 7 Pods.
Ginger - 1 inch piece.
Oil to Fry.


  1. Clean and cut chiken into 2 inch pieces and drain water completely.
  2. Mix all the above ingredients well with chicken pieces.
  3. Marinate for about atleast 3 to 4 hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Remove the marinated chicken from the refrigerator and keep it in room temperature for about an hour.
  5. Heat Oil in a deep fry pan. Fry all the chicken pieces few at a time until the chicken turn reddish brown in colour.
  6. The dish is ready to serve.

Karimnagar chicken
Category : Chicken, Andhra
Servings : 4
Time Taken : 15-30 mins
1 kg chicken
1/2 cup yogurt
2 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric
3 tsp garam masala/chicken masala
1/2 cup mint leaves, coriander leaves
1/2 tsp coriander powder
2 chopped onions
2 chopped tomatoes
olive oil
  1. Wash the chicken and add turmeric, chilli powder, coriander powder and salt and mix well.
  2. Add half cup of yogurt and a few drops of lime water and the whole cup of mint leaves.
  3. Leave it for about 15 minutes.
  4. Spread out the chicken in a suitable vessel.
  5. Heat oil in the vessel, add onions and tomatoes and make a gravy the consistency of tomato extract.
  6. Add salt and the chicken and keep it on a low flame.
  7. Once it boils, add some coconut powder.
  8. The quantity of curry can be increased by adding curd instead of water.
  9. Sprinkle all the coriander and mint leaves for good flavour.
  10. Cook covered; after 15 minutes serve hot and enjoy the great taste of karimnagar chicken.

Quick mutton chops
Category : Redmeat, Andhra
Servings : 4-6
Time Taken : 15-30 mins
500g - lamb chops or mutton chops
1 tbsp - vinegar
2-3 tbsp - tomato ketchup or sauce
1/2 - 1 tsp - black pepper powder
1 tsp - soy sauce (optional)
250g - onions, thinly sliced
potato wafers or chips, a handful
1 tbsp - ginger garlic paste
1/2 tsp - chopped green chillies
  1. In a pressure cooker, heat oil and saute the onions until they turn brown.
  2. Add lamb chops, ginger garlic paste, mint leaves, black pepper powder and chopped green chillies.
  3. Saute well; add water and pressure cook the chops until they are tender.
  4. Once the lamb/mutton chops are tender add vinegar, soy sauce (optional) and tomato sauce/ketchup and salt.
  5. If required, add some more black pepper powder and some water and cook until a thick gravy is formed.
  6. Garnish with potato chips

Fish amti
Category : Fish
Servings : 4
Time Taken : 30-45 mins
1 lb - King fish (vanjaram)
1/4 kg - onion
12 - shallots (we can skip onion and use 20 shallots instead)
1 - tomato (medium)
3 tbsp - gingelly oil (regular oil can be used)
Tamarind, size of 1 small lemon
1 tsp - ginger garlic paste
1 - green chilli
1/2 tsp - cumin seeds
1/2 tsp - mustard seeds
Salt to taste
Curry Leaves, a few sprigs
Turmeric powder
2 tsp - chilli powder
1/2 tsp - pepper powder
1/2 tsp - cumin powder
1&1/2 tsp - coriander/dhaniya powder
  1. Clean and wash the fish thoroughly with turmeric powder and salt water to clean them.
  2. In a large bowl, add salt, 1/2 the portion of chilli powder, pepper powder, cumin powder, dhaniya powder, turmeric powder.
  3. Rub the fish with this mix.
  4. Marinate for a couple of hours in the freezer.
  5. A couple of hours later, soak tamarind in 1/2 cup of water for 30 minutes and extract the juice.
  6. In a kadai, heat oil, add mustard seeds and let it splutter. Then add cumin seeds, curry leaves, green chilli and saute.
  7. Then add onion, shallots and saute until it turns golden brown. Between add some turmeric powder and salt.
  8. Add tomato and let it become soft and mushy.
  9. Add ginger garlic paste and let the raw smell disappear.
  10. Then add tamarind water and bring to a boil then add the remaining portion of chilli powder, pepper powder, cumin powder, dhaniya powder, turmeric powder.
  11. Add 1/2 a cup of water and boil. (Can add more water for a thinner gravy)
  12. Then add marinated fish and let it blend well.
  13. Add more salt and spice if required.
  14. Let the fish cook on a low flame for 15-20 minutes.
  15. Garnish with coriander/cilantro leaves and serve hot with rice or rotis.
  16. Fish curry usually tastes better when consumed the next day of preparation.

 Brian P. Hogan "Web Design for Developers: A Programmer’s Guide to Design Tools and Techniques (With Source Code)"
Dec 2009 | English | ISBN-13: 978-1-93435-613-5 | 327 Pages | PDF | 13 MB

Web Design for Developers will show you how to make your web-based application look professionally designed. We’ll help you learn how to pick the right colors and fonts, avoid costly interface and accessibility mistakes—your application will really come alive. We’ll also walk you through some common Photoshop and CSS techniques and work through a web site redesign, taking a new design from concept all the way to implementation.

Developers don’t get to spend a lot of time thinking about design, but many secretly wish they knew how to make their applications look just a little bit better. This book takes you on a journey through a web site redesign, where you’ll learn the basic concepts of design, color theory, typography, and accessibility.

You’ll learn how to take a sketch and transform it into a digital mockup in Photoshop, and then finally into a working web page. You’ll see how to develop logos, icons, and buttons using Illustrator and Photoshop, and then code a web page that will load fast, be easy to maintain, and most of all, be accessible to all audiences.

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Rasam or Charu is an essential part of a traditional Andhra bhojanam (meal). Comforting, earthy, warm with health supporting properties, pepper flavored charu is seasoned with asafoetida and garnished with fresh coriander. Works as a perfect antidote for a runny nose.
2 tbsps cooked and mashed tur dal/red gram dal/kandi pappu (optional)
1 large tomato, chop into small pieces
1/4 tsp turmeric pwd
tamarind, small lemon size, extract juice in half a cup of water
1/2 tsp jaggery (optional)
4-5 curry leaves
salt to taste
3 cups water
Roast and grind to a coarse powder:
1 tsp tur dal
2 tsps pepper corn/miriyalu/kali mirch
1 1/2 tsps coriander seeds/dhaniyalu/dhania
pinch of methi/menthulu/fenugreek seeds
3/4 tsp cumin/jeera/jeelakara
For seasoning/poppu/tadka:
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/4 tsp asafoetida/hing/inguva
1 dry red chilli, de-seed and tear
few fresh curry leaves
1-2 tsps ghee or oil
1 Heat a deep vessel, add 3 cups of water, chopped tomatoes, tamarind extract, salt, turmeric pwd, few fresh curry leaves and pinch of jaggery and bring to a boil. Continue to boil for 3 mts.
2 Add the ground charu podi and mashed dal and cook for another 5 mts.
3 Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds and as they splutter, add red chili and curry leaves and stir fry for a few seconds. Add asafeotida and turn off heat.
4 Add this to the charu and combine. Turn off heat and place lid. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with white rice and appadams.

Have you relished cabbage in the form a crispy pakoda? If you haven’t and are fond of cabbage then you should try today’s recipe. To many, cabbage may not be the prettiest or tastiest of vegetables but it more than makes up in flavor in the garb of a besan coated, golden crisp pakodi. Cabbage needs to be sliced into thin strips along with onions before combining in chick pea flour, rice flour, ginger garlic paste, curry leaves and green chillis and deep fried to a golden brown color. Serve warm with a hot cup of tea on a rainy day and you have a snack to provide comfort to your body and soul.
1 1/2 cups besan/gram dal flour/chick pea flour
1/2 cup rice flour
2-3 green chillis, finely chopped
1/4 tsp red chilli pwd
1/2 tsp ginger garlic paste
1 large onion, sliced
2 cups finely sliced cabbage
1 tbsp hot oil
few sprigs curry leaves
salt to taste
oil for deep frying
1. Combine both the flours with salt, ginger garlic paste, red chilli pwd, green chillis, curry leaves, sliced onions and cabbage. Add oil and mix well with fingers.
. Add few tablespoons of water and mix well that it forms a slightly hard batter. Don’t add too much water. The batter should just coat the cabbage strips and onion slices.
.Heat enough oil in a deep frying vessel. Once the oil turns hot, reduce flame to medium. Use your fingers to drop the batter in the oil to form small fritters. Deep fry till they turn golden brown. Use a ladle to keep turning the fritters so that it cooks on all sides.
. Once they turn golden brown, remove them on to absorbent paper. Store in air tight containers and serve as evening snacks over a hot cup of masala chai (spiced tea).

Its been a while since Vizag experienced cold weather with drizzles. The nights are getting chillier and am just loving the weather though it breaks my heart to see Nehal go to school in such cold weather. You see, its rare to find kids wearing sweaters (unless sick) to school in Vizag with this year being an exception. I tell myself its just few more days before school closes for winter vacation (5 1/2 weeks). Winter holidays, now that’s another story.
Today’s weather had me craving for a heart warming soup and spicy noodles. Prepared Sweet corn vegetable soup and Schezwan noodles for lunch. Explosion of flavors to say the least. Reduced the spice factor for Nehal’s portion of Schezwan noodles. Its way too spicy for my 8 year old, in fact for us adults as well.
1 packet egg noodles (boiled, drained in cold water and tossed in 2 tsps oil)
1/4 cup spring onions, finely chopped
2 cups julienne vegetables (beans (par boil), carrots, cabbage and capsicum)
1/2 tsp soya sauce
1 1/2 tbsps schezwan sauce (adjust)
1/2 tsp brown sugar (optional)
1/2 tsp pepper pwd
salt as required
1 1/2 tbsps sesame oil or peanut oil
1 tbsp chopped spring onion greens, finely chopped
Schezwan Sauce
12 dry red chilies, soak in warm water for 1/2 hr
1 tsp grated ginger
12 garlic cloves
1 1/2 tbsp red chilli sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
1 1/2 tsps brown sugar
3 tsps vinegar
1 tbsp oil
1. Prepare schezwan sauce. Strain the water from the red chilies and grind to a fine past with ginger and garlic. Heat oil in a pan, add the paste and saute for 4 mts. Add red chili paste and saute for another 2 mts. Add soy sauce, sugar, salt and 3-4 tbsps water. Cook for a mt. Add vinegar and cook for a few secs and turn off heat. Cool and refrigerate. Its can be stored for few weeks.
2. Heat a wok with sesame oil till piping hot, add the spring onions and stir fry for 1 mt on high.
3. Add the rest of the vegetables and toss them on high heat for 4 mts.
4. Add salt, pepper pwd and brown sugar and combine. Add the schewan sauce and mix. Add the drained noodles and combine well.
5. Toss the noodles and vegetables on high heat for a few secs. Turn off heat. Garnish with chopped spring onion greens and serve hot.

 Tomato Pappu mixed with a dollop of ghee and rice with Mango Avakai is a dearly loved combination and an integral part of everyday Andhra vegetarian food culture. Simple, earthy, soulful food! Tur dal aka Kandi Pappu with tomato is a winning combination and the addition of fresh coriander adds a perfect touch.
1 cup tur dal (kandi pappu) pressure cook until soft and mash lightly
1 onion finely chopped
2 large tomatoes, finely chopped
3-4 green chillis slit length wise
1″ ginger, finely chopped
1/4 tsp turmeric pwd
For tempering/poppu/tadka:
1 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
3-4 dried red chillis (tear into pieces)
5-6 garlic flakes crushed OR 1/4 tsp asafoetida/hing/inguva
10-12 curry leaves
1. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed vessel, add mustard seeds, let them pop, add the cumin seeds, garlic, red chillis, and curry leaves and saute for few secs. Add the chopped onions, green chilies and ginger and sauté till onions turn slightly pink.
2. Add the chopped tomatoes and stir fry for 4-5 mts. Add the turmeric pwd and salt and combine.
3. Add the cooked and mashed dal to the onion-tomato mixture. Add 1 cup water and cook for another 10 mts on low-medium heat. Garnish with coriander leaves.
4. Serve with white rice or hot rotis.

Quick boiled egg stir fry that is slightly similar to the simple egg roast recipe I blogged a while ago. An amalgamation of North and South Indian style of culinary preparation. Aromatic curry leaves and spices, kasuri methi, fresh coriander leaves and caramelized onions give the quartered boiled eggs an addictive taste. Serve as an appetizer or a dry saute with rice or rotis.
Peel and quarter 4 boiled eggs. Pour 1/2 tbsp of oil in a vessel, add few curry leaves, 2 slit green chillis, 1/4 tsp minced ginger and 1 sliced large onion and saute for 4-5 mts. Add a pinch of turmeric pwd, pinch of methi pwd, pinch of cumin pwd, 1/2 tsp coriander pwd, 1/4 tsp red chilli pwd, pinch of garam masala pwd and salt to taste. Add 1/2 tsp kasuri methi and combine. Place the quartered boiled eggs and combine carefully. Cook on low flame for 3-4 mts. Combine again and cook for another mt. Turn off heat. Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve warm with rotis or rice.

Remember eggplants cooked in poppy seeds, Vankaya gasagasala kura I blogged earlier? Many of you got back to me with positive feedback. Well, today’s recipe is on the same lines with boiled eggs replacing eggplants. Poppy seeds lend body and enrich the flavor making it a very good side with flavored rice, naan or rotis.
4-5 boiled eggs, make small slits length wise
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
1 tsp red chilli pwd
1 tsp coriander pwd
pinch of roasted methi/fenugreek/menthi pwd
pinch of roasted cumin pwd
2 1/2 tbsps khus khus/gasagasalu/poppy seeds, roasted and ground to a paste by adding few tbsps water
1 tbsp jaggery or sugar (adjust)
very small lemon sized tamarind, extract pulp
coriander leaves for garnish
salt to taste
How to make Kodi Guddu Gasagasala Kura ~ Boiled eggs in Poppy seeds sauce:
1. Add 2 tsps of oil in a cooking vessel, add the boiled eggs and roast them till brown on both sides. Remove and keep aside.
2. In the same vessel, add the remaining oil. Once hot, add mustard seeds and as they dance around, add the cumin seeds and allow to splutter. Add ginger garlic paste and saute for 2-3 mts.
3. Add salt to taste, red chilli pwd, turmeric pwd, coriander pwd, cumin pwd, roasted methi pwd and combine well. Add 2 cups of water and cook for 3-4 mts, till it comes to a boil. Add the roasted khus khus paste, tamarind extract and jaggery and cook on medium high flame for 3 mts.
4. Cover with lid and cook on medium low flame for 5 mts. Keep checking in between and stir fry to ensure it does not stick to the pan. Add the roasted eggs and cook on low to medium flame for 15 mts or till the gravy turns thick. Turn off heat. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.
5. Serve with rice, naan or roti.

Curry leaves are indispensable in my kitchen, for that matter, every South Indian kitchen and you will find virtually every home growing their own karivepaku plant in their backyards. I get emails from my readers who live abroad asking if they can substitute curry leaves in a recipe as they are unable to find them in most stores. I’m afraid there is no substitute for curry leaves. Either grow the curry leaf plant in your backyard or beg, borrow, steal, if you want to savor the real flavor of recipe which calls for curry leaves.:). It not only enhances the flavor but also imparts a magical nutritional effect.
Its a captivating experience each day watching the aromatic curry leaves sizzle in the hot oil alongside the tempering companions. I look forward to that enticing sensory pleasure of dropping the leaves into hot oil and watch the leaves dance, swirl and sizzle and fill the kitchen with a bewitching aroma. If I were asked, what is the most beautiful sensory culinary experience I have had in my kitchen, my answer would be ‘the sizzle and aroma of curry leaves in hot oil’, the promise of delicious food in the making.:)
How would I describe ‘Karivepaku Annam’? A colorful, aromatic, unique savory rice dish that is nutrition-packed, mildly flavored without being overpowered by the aroma of curry leaves. Now, close your eyes and imagine the aroma!-:)
A favorite at our home and prepared only with fresh curry leaves.
3 cups cooked and cooled white rice (each grain should be seperate)
1 1/4 cups fresh curry leaves
1 tbsp split gram dal
1/2 tbsp bengal gram
8-9 black pepper corns
pinch of turmeric pwd
2 tsps oil
salt to taste
For tempering/poppu/tadka:
1 tsp oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
pinch of asafoetida (optional)
How to make Karivepaku Annam – Spiced Curry Leaf Rice
1. Heat a tsp of oil in a heavy bottomed vessel and add the dals and toss them till they turn red. Add the pepper corns and toss for a minute. Turn of heat and cool.
2. In the same vessel, heat another tsp of oil and add the curry leaves and on low-medium heat, toss them constantly till they change color and turn crisp. Don’t burn them. This could take about 4-5 mts. Turn off heat and cool.
3. Grind the toasted dals and pepper corns to a coarse powder. Add the toasted curry leaves and grind to a coarse pwd. Remove and keep aside.
4 Heat oil for tempering in the same vessel, add the mustards seeds and let them splutter. Add the asafoetida and toss for a few seconds. Turn off heat.
5. Add the cooked rice to the tempering, sprinkle salt and turmeric pwd. Add the ground curry leaves-spices   pwd and combine till well blended. Adjust salt.
6. Serve hot with yogurt (perugu) or pachadi of your choice.
Good read: Curry Leaf Heaven ~Essay by Kurma 
Scientific Name : Murraya Koenigii, Telugu – Karivepaaku, Hindi – Kadi Patha 
Nutritional value: one of the richest sources of micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins (carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid & vitamin C), calcium, iron, phosphorus, protein, fat, carbohydrates, energy, soluble & insoluble fiber
Benefits of curry leaves: Used as a traditional medicinal herb in Ayurveda, as vata-kapha pacifying and mildly stimulating pitta. Curry leaves are pungent and act as an appetizer and digestive stimulant. Known for its healing properties – strengthen the functions of stomach and kidneys. Also known to strength hair roots and a home remedy for pre-mature greying of hair.
Helpful resources: How to grow a curry leaf plant and take care of it? (in US-cold weather)
More about this aromatic nutrition-packed herb

Prepration Time :10 Min Cooking Time : 40 Min
Ready In : 50 Min Difficulty Level : Very Easy
Health Index : Healthy++ Servings : 6
Cuisine : Indian Course : Main Dish
Speciality : Wedding Main Ingredient : Vegetable

1 medium. cauliflower clean and broken into big florettes.
1 small bunch spring onoin finely chopped
2 tsp. ginger finely chopped
1 tsp. garlic finely chopped
1/4 cup plain flour
3 tbsp. cornflour
1/4 tsp. red chilli powder
2 red chillies, dry
3 tbsp. oil
1 1/2 cups water
1 tbsp. milk  
How to make Gobi Manchurian:
1.Boil the florettes for 3-4 minutes in plenty of water, to which a tbsp. of milk has been added.
2.Drain and pat dry on a clean cloth.
3.Make thin batter out of flour and 2 tbsp.cornflour, adding 1/4 tsp. each of ginger and garlic and red chilli powder and salt to taste.
4.Dip the florettes in the batter one by one and deep fry in hot oil. Keep aside.
5.In the remaining oil, add remaining ginger, garlic and crushed red chilli and fry for a minute.
6.Add the salt and spring onions.
7.Stir fry for a minute. Add 1 1/2 cups water and bring to a boil.
8.Add 1 tbsp. cornflour to 1/4 cup water and dissolve well.
9.Gradually add to the gravy and stir continuously till it resumes boiling.
10.Boil till the gravy becomes transparent. Add florettes and soya sauce.
11.Boil for two more minutes and remove.
12.Serve hot with noodles or rice.
1.Dry manchurian can be made by omitting the gravy.
2.Make florettes as above and instead of adding water as above, add fried florettes, spring onions and soya ce at this stage.
3.Sprinkle 1 tsp. cornflour on the florettes and stirfry for 2 minutes.
Serve piping hot with toothpicks or miniforks and chilligarlic sauce or tomato sauce.
5.Same procedure for veg. manchurian (with gravy or dry), but instead of using only cauliflower, use finely chopped minced vegetables and bind with some cornflour or bread crumbs and make small lumps the size of a pingpong ball.
6.Fry as above and proceed as above.
Making time: 45 minutes
Makes for: 6
Shelf life: Best fresh 

Prepration Time :10 Min Cooking Time : 1 Hr 10 Min
Ready In : 1 Hr 20 Min Difficulty Level : Medium
Health Index : Average Servings : 6
Cuisine : Indian Course : Main Dish
Speciality : Wedding Main Ingredient : Meat

1 kg Meat (lamb or goat)
 200 gm, thick Yogurt
 5 tbsp Cooking Oil
 1 bunch Mint Leaves
 2 tsp Cumin Seeds
 3 ground to paste Onion
 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
 3 Cloves
 2 inch Cinnamon
 1 bunch Cilantro
 1 tsp Peppercorns
 7 flakes Garlic
 1.5 inch Ginger
 Salt to taste
 7 or to hot level Green Chili 
How to make Green Mutton:
1. Wash the mutton well and keep aside till dry.
2. Grind all the ingredients from lemon juice to green chili to a paste.
3. Mix the ground paste with the meat and let it marinate for 1/2 hour.
4. Heat Oil. Add onion paste and fry till light pink.
5. Add marinated meat pieces and fry for a little while.
6. Add the remaining of the marinade. Fry till oil leaves the sides of the pan.
7. Add enough quantity of curd, mix well and taste for spicyness and salt. Fry for a few minutes.
8. Add 1/2 glass water, mix and cover vessel and let cook till gravy is thick and done and oil floats on top.
9. Serve hot with ghee rice or parathas

To make her Sunday-supper scarpariello—chicken sautéed in a tangy lemon glaze with bell pepper—Fran Parisi always uses a whole chicken cut into pieces, then cooks it on the stove for hours. Grace Parisi opts for faster-cooking boneless thighs and skips the bell pepper in favor of jarred Peppadews, sweet-spicy pickled peppers from South Africa, sold in many US supermarkets.

Pairing Suggestion: Bright, cherry-rich Chianti Classico.

Recipe by Grace Parisi

8 small skinless, boneless chicken thighs (2 pounds)
Salt and freshly ground pepper
All-purpose flour, for dusting
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
8 garlic cloves, halved lengthwise and lightly smashed
4 large rosemary sprigs, broken into 2-inch pieces
2 cups chicken stock or low-sodium broth
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup Peppadew peppers or other pickled peppers, sliced 
How to make Chicken Scarpariello:
1. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and dust with flour. In a large skillet, heat the oil until shimmering. Add the chicken and cook over high heat, turning once, until browned and crusty on both sides, about 10 minutes. Add the garlic and rosemary and cook for 3 minutes, until the garlic is lightly browned. Transfer the chicken to a platter, leaving the rosemary and garlic in the skillet.
2. Add the stock to the skillet and cook over high heat, scraping up any browned bits, until reduced by half, about 5 minutes. Add the lemon juice and butter and swirl until emulsified. Return the chicken and any accumulated juices to the skillet. Add the peppers and cook, turning the chicken until coated in the sauce, about 3 minutes. Transfer the chicken and sauce to the platter and serve.

Serve with Crusty Bread. 

PreprationTime : 20 Min Cooking :Time30 Min
Ready In : 50 Min Difficulty Level : Medium
Health Index : Healthy Servings : 7
Cuisine : Indian Course : Main Dish
Speciality : Wedding Main Ingredient : Chicken
Recipe Story 
There are a couple of ways to make the world famous "Hyderabadi Murg Biryani" . Being a Hyderabadi myself, I grew up savouring this exotic dish during special occasions. Any person visiting Hyderabad makes sure he/she tastes this Biryani at least once. There are different kinds of Hyderabadi Biryani like the Hyderabadi Safed (white) Biryani, Hyderabadi Dum (Steam) Biryani, Hyderabadi Handi (Earthern Pot) Biryani, Hyderabadi Zaafraani (Saffron) Biryani. These Biryani's can be made using Murgi (Chicken), Gosht (Mutton) or Subzi (Veggies). 

Basmati/Long Grain Rice - 5 cups (cup = rice cooker cup)
Chicken Breasts - 4
Mint (Pudina) - 1 bunch
Cilantro (Coriander) - 1 bunch
Onions - 2 large julienned
Yogurt - 2 cups
Juice of lime - 5 tbs
Bay leaves - 6
Cinnamon Sticks - 4 medium sized
Cloves - 8
Shajeera - 1/2 tsp
Whole Black Cardamoms - 2
Star Anise - 3
Mace - 3
Nutmeg - 1/4rth piece of a whole nutmeg
Dhaniya (Coriander) powder - 2 tsps
Garam Masala powder - 1 tsp
Ginger Garlic paste - 2 tsps
Salt and Chilly powder - to taste 
How to make Hyderabadi Murg Biryani: 
* Wash Chicken and cut them into large cubes. Puree Mint and Cilantro into a paste.
* Marinade Chicken in yogurt, pureed mint & cilantro, ginger garlic paste, dhaniya powder, garam masala       powder, juice of lime, salt and chilly powder for about 7 - 8 hours (I leave it overnight).
* Julienne 2 large onions. Heat 6 tbs oil in a deep vessel, fry onions until brown. Remove onions. Keep aside.
* In the same vessel, add bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon sticks, whole cardamoms, star anise, mace, nutmeg & shajeera. Saute until bay leaves turn light brownish. Remove the spices. Keep aside.
* Wash Basmati Rice, add the fried spices. Add water and cook either in rice cooker or on stove.
* In the same deep vessel used previously, add another 5 tbs oil/ghee (clarified butter). Add the marinated chicken pieces along with yogurt etc, cover with lid and cook until chicken turns tender. Remove lid and continue cooking until water evaporates and chicken turns sort of dry. But do leave some gravy with the chicken. Keep aside.
* Once the basmati rice is cooked, you can remove the spices if you want to, else keep it. (I prefer to keep them).
* In the deep vessel, at the bottom spread a layer of chicken with gravy and top it with some fried onions. Spread some cooked rice over this layer.
* Again spread a layer of the remaining chicken with gravy and top it with some more fried onions. Spread the remaining cooked rice over this layer. Top it with the remaining fried onions.
* Cover tightly with lid. Do not let any steam escape. (I usually wet a cotton cloth & tie it tightly around the lid of the vessel). Cook on very low flame for 10 minutes. Remove from flame.

Serve Hot with Raita.

 Increase Your Web Traffic in a Weekend
Title: Increase Your Web Traffic in a Weekend
Jerry Lee Ford Jr.
Publish date:
October 30, 2007
Increase Your Web Traffic in a Weekend
There are many books on the market about increasing web traffic; I have read several of them. After completing significant research, I have found that this book is one of the best available. It breaks the process down into simple "bite size" tasks that the reader can complete over a few days - provided they have read ahead.

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I recommend this book for anyone who wants to increase their web presence.

Geoffrey Schmidt
Author, The Busy Adult's Guide to Making College Happen!

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